At Harmony River Press, we strive to connect readers with their musical souls. Popular fiction has captured a wide array of subjects through the decades. Mystery. Crime. Romance. Fantasy. Science Fiction. Young Adult. Browse through the best-seller lists of the past half century and you'll discover that the genre of popular music has rarely been the subject of mainstream novels. Stories of pop stars and rock stars are virtually nonexistent in fictional story-telling. And this despite the fact that music has routinely dominated the pop-culture landscape since the mass-accessibility of radio and the phonograph (record player). Music fans are among the most passionate and loyal in the world of entertainment. Devotees of singers and bands will go to the greatest of lengths to support their musical heroes, traveling long distances to see them perform. The time has arrived for music to take center-stage in the realm of popular fiction. We look forward to bringing our readers extraordinary story-telling with a focus on music, musicians, performers and songwriters. Characters who readers will be able to instantly relate to and cheer on while turning the pages.
A little fictional harmony.
Harmony River Press was founded in 2015 with one goal in mind: To bring music to the forefront of great new fiction. Our philopsphy is much like the making of a mix-tape back in the 1980s. Combine heart, thoughfulness, craftsmanship, creativity and some memorable music to win over the hearts of our audience. Our author's stories will take you deep inside the hearts and minds of fictional songwriters and musicians. Along the way, you'll be entertained by expert story-telling that transports you to another time and place when music could "save your mortal soul," or at least inspire it.
Our books are written to inspire as well as entertain our readers. Ever wonder about the story behind a classic love song that you've heard a thousand times? Perhaps you've always been curious as to what motivates a songwriter to pen a lyrical tune of heartbreak, triumph or regret? The books from our authors will provide you with a true insight into the art of becoming an artist. These are fictional stories of genuine inspiration centered on the musical universe. Our debut publication: Poet Of The Wrong Generation by Lonnie Ostrow is a fable of stardom's rewards. This 1990s era novel revolves around Johnny Elias, a fictional songwriter who rockets to overnight stardom when a break-up song he pens for his longtime love captures the imagination of a record executive - and eventually an adoring public. It is a tale of heartbreak, betrayal, stardom and redemption. The ultimate rock & roll love story.